Science NCERT solution for class 6 // Science //Chapter 7- Getting to know plants

 NCERT solution  > Class  6  >Science 

Science NCERT solution for class 6 // Science  //Chapter 7-  Getting to know plants

Q1. Correct the following statement and rewrite them in your notebook? 

a) Stem absorb water and minerals from the soil 

b) Leaves hold the plant upright 

c) Roots conduct water to the leaves. 

d) The number of petals and stamens in a flower is always equal 

e) If the sepals of a flower are joined together it's petals are also joined together 

f) If the petals of a flower and joined together then the pistil are joined to the petal 

Answer -  a) Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil 

b) Stem hold the plant upright 

c) Stem conduct water to the leaves 

d) The number of petals and stamens in a flower may not be always equal 

e) If the sepals of the flowers are joined together then it petals become separated 

f) If the petals of the flowers are joined together then the pistil are joined to the petal

Q2 . Draw a leaf, a taproot and a flower you have studied for table 7.3  

Answer - 


Q3. Can you find a plant in your house or in your neighborhood which has a long but weak stem write its name in which category will you place it 

Answer -  Yes, the plant is in the form of climber and it is karela ( bitter gourd)

Q4. What is the function of a stem ?  


  • Stem of the plant perform following function 
  • Stem holds the plant upright 
  • It conduct the water to the leaves 
  • It conducts food material from leaves to other body parts of plant 

Q5. Which of the following leaves have reticulate venation

Wheat, Tulsi ,maize ,grass ,coriander ,China rose 

Answer - Reticulate venation -  Tulsi, coriander, China rose 

Q6. If a plant has fibrous root what type of venation do its leaves have ? 

Answer- If a plant has fibrous root it has parallel venation. 

Q7. If a plant has leaves with reticulate venation what kind of roots will it have ? 

Answer -  If the plant has leaves with reticulate venation then that plant have tap root system

Q8. Is it possible for you to find out whether a plant has taproot or fibrous roots by looking at the impression of its leaf on a sheet of paper ?

Answer - Yes it is possible to find whether the plant is reticulate or parallel venation to looking its impression on the leaf of the sheet of the paper reticulate venation shows tap root system while parallel venation shows fibrous root system

Q9. What are the parts of a flower 

Answer - There are four main parts of the flowers sepals and petals stamens and pistil

Q10. From the following plants which of them have flowers ?

Grass maize , wheat,  chilli, tomato ,Tulsi ,peepal ,sheesham ,banyan ,mango, jamun, pomegranate ,papaya ,banana, sugarcane ,potato, groundnut ,

Answer- The plants which have a flowers are grass, maize, wheat ,chilli ,tomato ,Tulsi ,Peepal ,sheesham ,Banyan, mango ,jamun , pomegranate, papaya ,banana, lemon ,sugarcane, potato ,groundnut

Q11. Name the part of plant which produces food name the process ?

Answer- Leaves produce the food by the process of photosynthesis

Q12. In which part of a flower you will find the ovary ?

Answer - Ovary is found in the lowermost part of the pistil

Q13. Name two plants in which one has jointed sepals and other has separate sepals 


Jointed sepals 

China rose and cotton 

Separate sepals 

Tomato and lotus


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