
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 10 //Science // Chapter 14 -- Sources of energy

NCERT solution for class 10 //Science // Chapter 14 -- Sources of energy

      NCERT solution  > Science > Class 10th    NCERT solution for class 10 //Science // Chapter 14  -- Sources of energy                      Page number 243  Q1. What is a good source of energy ? Answer   There are so many good sources of energy and their shows the following characteristics  It should be easily accessible It should be large amount of work per unit volume  It should be easy to store ,transport and production  It should be economically cheap source Q2. What is a good fuel  ? Answer -  A good fuel is burn completely without producing smoke or Ash and it produces a large amount of heat by burning a small quantity of it .It shows the all characteristics of good sources of energy Q3. If you could use any source of energy for heating your food which one would you use and why  Answer.  - W e would use oven or heater i...