NCERT solution for class 6 || Science || Chapter 15
NCERT solution > class 6 . > Science NCERT solution for class 6 || Science || Chapter 15 15 Air around us Q1. What is the composition of air ? Answer - Air is mixture of 78% of nitrogen 21% of Oxygen and 0.03% of carbon dioxide dust particles and other gases Q2. Which gas in the atmosphere is essential for respiration ? Answer - Oxygen gas is essential for respiration Q3. How will you prove that air supports burning Answer - Take a burning candle Place it in a water filled container Put an inverted glass on that candle The candle blow off after sometime And the water lavel inside the glass rises up The components of the oxygen burns up Show the empty place of the oxygen is occupied by water It Prove that oxygen is necessary for burning Q4. How will you show that air is dissolved in water ? Answer - To show the air is dissolved in water we have to take a...