
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 7// Science // Chapter 17 - Forest our lifeline

NCERT solution for class 7// Science // Chapter 17 - Forest our lifeline

  NCERT solution >  Class 7 >  Science  NCERT solution for class 7// Science  // Chapter 17 -   Forest our lifeline Chapter 17 -   Forest our lifeline  Exercise  Q1. Explain how animals dwelling in the forest help it grow and regenerate.?  Answer-  I n forest the animals are various types they may be herbivorous carnivorous omnivorous and microorganisms all they play important role in the maintaining of food chain  Microorganism convert the dead plants and animals into humus and return back the nutrients into the soil  Animals also help in the dispersing of seed of some plants  The animal waste material also provide the nutrients to the soil all these activities of animals dwelling in the forest help to grow and regenerate Q2. Explain how forests prevent floods?  Answer-   The roots of the forest trees hold the soil particles and they are also helpful for the seepage of water inside it and re...