NCERT solution for class 6 // Science // Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric
NCERT solutions > class 6 > Science NCERT solution for class 6 // Science // Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric Q1. Classify the following fibres as natural or synthetic Nylon ,Wool ,Cotton , Silk ,Polyester, Jute Ans- Fibres that are obtained from nature that is from plant and animal are called natural fibre while the those fibre which are made with the help of chemical methods are known as synthetic fibre Natural fibre - Wool ,Cotton, Silk ,Jute Synthetic fibre - Nylon, Polyester Q2. State whether the following statement are true or false a) Yarn is made from fibres b) Spinning is a process of making fibres. c) Jute is the outer covering of coconut. d) The process of removing seed from cotton is called ginning. e) Weaving of yarn make a piece of fabric. f) Silk fibre is obtained from the stem of a plant g) Polyester is a natural fibre . Ans - a) true ...