NCERT solution for class 10th // Science // Chapter 3 -Metals and nonmetals
NCERT solutions > Class 10 > Science NCERT solution for class 10th // Science // Chapter 3 -Metals and nonmetals Chapter 3 -Metals and nonmetals Page number 40 Q1. Give an example of a metal which is a liquid at room temperature can be easily cut with a knife a) Is the best conductor of heat b) Is a poor conductor of heat Answer Mercury sodium silver Lead Q2. Explain the meaning of malleable and ductile Answer- Malleable A substance for material which can be beaten into thin sheets is called malleability metals are good malleable metals like silver and gold are converted into a very thin sheet Ductile A substance is a capable of beaten into draw being drawn into thin wires is called ductility. Metals are good ductile metal like gold and silver ...