NCERT solution for class 7th //Science // Chapter 4 - Heat
NCERT solutions > Class 7 > Science NCERT solution for class 7th //Science // Chapter 4 - Heat Chapter 4 - Heat Exercise Q1 State similarities and differences between the laboratory thermometer and the clinical thermometer Answer Similarities Both thermometer use Celsius scale on the glass tube In both a thermometer contain Mercury it bulb Both thermometer consists of a long narrow glass tubes In both thermometer have a bulb at one end Differences Clinical thermometer has a kink near to the bulb while in laboratory thermometer it is absent Clinical thermometer reads the temperature range 35 °C to 45 °C while the range of laboratory thermometer is -10 °C to 110°C degree Q2. Give examples each of conductors and insulators of heat Answer Conductor of heat - Aluminium ,Iron ,Copper . Insulator of heat - Wood , Plastic Q3. Fill in the blanks a) The hotness of an obje...