NCERT solution for class 7th // Science // Chapter 3 - Fibre to fabric
NCERT solutions > class 7 > Science >chapter 3 Fibre to fabric NCERT solution for class 7th // Science // Chapter 3 - Fibre to fabric Chapter 3 - Fibre to fabric Q1 . You must be familiar with the following nursery rhymes a) Baa baa baa baa black sheep have you any wool . b) Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow Answer the following i) Which part of the Black sheep have wool ii) What is mean by the white fleece of the lamb Ans i ) A thin and soft hair of the black sheep have a wool ii ) White fleece means the colour of the fleece is white Q2. The silkworm is( a) a caterpillar ( b)a lava choose the correct option i) a ii) b iii) both a and b iv) neither a nor b Ans - Both and b Q3. Which of the following does not yield wool i) Yak. ii) Camel. iii) Goat iv) Wo...