NCERT solutions for class 7th / science / lesson 1. Nutrition in plants
NCERT solutions > class 7th > lesson 1 Chapter 1. Nutrition in plants. Q1 . Why do organisms take food? Ans- All the organism takes food to get energy for growth and maintenance of their body. Q2. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph ? . Ans- Parasite Parasites are those plants or animals which depend on the other plants or animals for their nutrition. Parasite need host to survive. eg. Plant parasite - Cuscuta ( Amarbel) Animal parasite - Mosquito , malaria parasite. Saprotroph . Saprotrophs are those plant or animals which depend on dead and decaying material for for their nutrition. Saprotrophs need not any host. eg . - Plant saprotroph - fungi . Animal saprotroph - bacteria , crow ( also includes in savangers) . Q3. How would you test the presence of starch in leaves ? Ans - The presence of starch in leaves explain with the help of...