NCERT solutions for class 7th / science / lesson 1. Nutrition in plants

 NCERT solutions > class 7th > lesson 1 

          Chapter 1. Nutrition in plants.

Q1 . Why do organisms take food? 

Ans- All the organism takes food  to get energy for growth and maintenance of their body.

Q2. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph ? .

Ans- Parasite 

  • Parasites are those plants or animals which depend on the other plants or animals for their nutrition.
  • Parasite need host to survive.
  • eg.  Plant parasite - Cuscuta ( Amarbel) 
  •      Animal parasite - Mosquito , malaria parasite.

Saprotroph .

  • Saprotrophs are those plant or animals which depend on dead and decaying material for for their nutrition.
  • Saprotrophs need not any host.
  • eg . - Plant saprotroph  - fungi .
  •       Animal saprotroph - bacteria , crow ( also includes in savangers) .
Q3. How would you test the presence of starch in leaves

Ans - The presence of starch in leaves explain with the help of iodine test. Following steps are involved  in the process of iodine test.

  • Dipped the green leaves in boiling water for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • In boil leaf in alcohol  for few seconds.
  • The leaf is washed with water to remove alcohol 
  • Pour few drops of iodine on the leaf .
  • Iodine turns the part of leaf blue black where starch is present and brown where starch is absent.
Q4. Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food in green plants? 

Ans - green plant prepare their own food material  in the form of glucose with the help of  carbon dioxide, water and  sunlight in chlorophyll  present in leaves and this process is called photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide + water -------- glucose - water + oxygen.

Q5 . Show with the help of a sketch that plants are the ultimate source of food? 

Q6 .  Fill In the blanks.

  a) Green fields are called autotrophs since they synthesis their own food.

  b) The food synthesised by plants is stored as starch.

  c) In photosynthesis solar energy is absorbed by the pigment called chlorophyll.

  d) During photosynthesis plants take in  carbon dioxide and release Oxygen gas.

Q7 . Name the following 

  i) A parasitic plant with yellow slender and branched stem.

Ans - Cuscuta ( Amarbel) 

 ii) A plant that is partially autotrophic.

Ans - Insectivores plant 

iii) The pores through which leaves exchange gases. 

Ans - Stomata.

Q8. Tick the correct answer.

a) Cuscuta is an example of:

i)  autotrophs ii ) parasite iii) saprotrophs  iv)host 

Ans - Parasite

b) The plant which traps and feeds on insects is.

i) Cuscuta  ii) China rose iii) pitcher plant  iv) rose 

Ans- Pitcher plant.

Q9 Match day items given in column I with those in column II.

Column I                             Column II 

Chlorophyll.                     Rhizobium.

Nitrogen.                          Heterotrophs 

Cuscuta.                           Pitcher plant 

Animals                          Leaf 

Insects.                           Parasite 


Column I                           Column II 

Chlorophyll.                    Leaf

Nitrogen.                         Rhizobium

Cuscuta.                           Pitcher plant 

Animals                          Heterotrophs

Insects.                              Parasite.

Q10 . Make T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

i) Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis

ii) Plants which synthesise their food are called saprotrophs.  

iii) The products of photosynthesis is not a protein.

iv) Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis 

Ans - i) False   ii) False   iii) True   iv) True

Q11. Choose the correct option from the following.

Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis? 

i) Root hair  ii) Stomata.  iii) Leaf veins iv) Petals.

Ans - Stomata 

Q12. Choose the correct option from the following.

Plant take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their.

i ) Roots.  ii) Stem.   iii) flowers. iv ) Leaves 

Ans - Leaves 

Q13.   Why do farmers grow many fruits and vegetables crops inside large green houses what are the advantages to the farmer?

Ans . Farmers grow many fruits and vegetables crops inside the large green houses because it protect the crops from adverse external climatic condition and provide proper temperature for the growth of plant.

Advantages .

  • It protect plants from disease and adverse climatic conditions.
  • Protect plants from strong wind and excess of rain.
  • It provide proper temperature to the plant so the growth of the plant takes place properly.
  • It maintain the quality of the plant products.


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