
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 6 //Science// Chapter 10 Motion and measurement of distances

NCERT solution for class 6 //Science// Chapter 10 Motion and measurement of distances

  NCERT solution > Class 6 > Science    Chapter 10  - Motion and measurement of distances  Exercise  Q1. Give two examples each of modes of transport used on land water and air?  Answer  1. Land transport  - Bus and truck  2. Water transport - ship and boat   3. Air transport  - Aeroplane and helicopter  Q2. Fill in the blanks .    i)  One  metre is 100 cm       ii) 5 km is 5000 metre      iii) Motion of a child on a swing is periodic motion.    iv) Motion of the needle of a sewing machine is periodic motion    v) Motion of wheel of a bicycle is circular motion  Q3. Why can a pace or a footstep not be used as a standard unit of length ?  Answer - A pace or a footstep not be used as a standard unit of length because it is different as person to person  . Q4. Arrange the following lengths in their increasing magnitude 1 metr...