
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 9|| Science || Chapter 13 - Why do we fall ill

NCERT solution for class 9|| Science || Chapter 13 - Why do we fall ill

  NCERT solutions  >Class 9 > Science  Chapter 13- Why do we fall ill   Page number 178  Q1. State any two conditions essential for good health ?  Answer -  Two condition essential for good health are  A healthy person is free from all kind of disease  A person should be physically mentally and socially fit is called healthy . Q2. State any two conditions essential for being free of disease ?  Answer - Two conditions essential for being free of disease are  To keep personal hygiene and cleanliness  To get sufficient and balanced food to keep body free from disease  Q3 . Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different why ? Answer-  Both question above mentions have different answer because by the term of health mean mental, physical and social health while free of disease is only related to physical health Page number 180  Q4. List any three reasons why you would think that you...