NCERT solution for class 10// Science // Chapter 5 - Periodic classification of elements
NCERT solution > Class 10 > Science NCERT solution for class 10 // Science // Chapter 5 - Periodic classification of element s Chapter 5 - Periodic classification of element s Page number 81 Q1. Did Dobereiner's triads also exist in the columns of newlands octaves compare and find out ? Answer - Dobereiner's triads also exist in the column of newland octaves Ex- Lithium ( Li) , Sodium (Na) and Potassium(K) institute of trades if we consider Li as a first element then the eight element from it is Na and if we consider Na as the first element then the eight element from it is K Q2. What were the limitations of Dobereiner's classification Answer - Dobereiner's only form 3 traits from the elements known at that time The classification of known elements could not be possible ...