
Showing posts with the label NCERT solutions for Class 6th // Science // Chapter 5 - Separation of substances.

NCERT solutions for Class 6th // Science // Chapter 5 - Separation of substances.

  NCERT solution  >  Class 6th > Science >  Chapter 5 - Separation of substances  NCERT solutions for Class  6th  // Science // Chapter 5 -  Separation of substances.   Chapter 5 -  Separation of substances.  Exercise  Q1. Why do we need to separate different components of a mixture give two examples . Answer   The process by which one or more components of a mixture are removed is called the separation of the substance  The separation of the substance from a mixture is important in following ways . To obtain a pure substance from a mixture  example - pure  silver,  gold   To obtain useful substance from a mixture example Salt from seawater   Q2. What is winnowing where is it used ?   Answer    Winnowing is the process of separation of heavier components from the lighter components of a mixture by wind .It is generally used by farmers to separat...