
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 8 // Science // Chapter 11 -Force and pressure

NCERT solution for class 8 // Science // Chapter 11 -Force and pressure

  NCERT solution > Class 8 > Science   Chapter 11 - Force and pressure  Exercise  Q1. Give two examples of each of situation in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of objects?  Answer- Push - Shut the door by pushing  And Close drawer by pushing  Pull - Open drawer by Pulling  Bullock pulls a bullock cart Q2. Give two examples of situations in which applied force causes a change in the shape of an object?  Answer- 1) W hen we prepare chapati from dough 2) when we make statue from clay Q3. Fill in the blanks in the following statements  a) To draw water from a well we have to pull at the rope . b) Exchange the body attracts an unchanged body towards it . c) To move a loaded trolley we have to push it. d) The north pole of a magnet repels and the north pole of the another magnet  Q4. Archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target she then release the arrow which begin to move towards the target ba...