NCERT solution for class 10th //Science //Chapter 15 - Our environment
NCERT solutions > Science > Class 10 NCERT solution for class 10th //Science // Chapter 15 - Our environment Page number 260 Q1. What are trophic levels give an example of a food chain and state the different trophic levels in it ? Answer .- The transfer of food or energy takes place through various levels in a food chain . Which are known as trophic level ex. Plants → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Hawk 1st Trophic level → 2nd Trophic level → 3rd Trophic level →4th Trophic level → 5thTrophic level Q2. What is the role of decomposers in the ecosystem ? Answer - Organisms are depend on dead plants and animals for their nutrition is called decomposers Ex . Bacteria , fungi etc. They break down the complex food component into simple one and released ...