
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 10th // Science // Chapter 7 - Control and coordination

NCERT solution for class 10th // Science // Chapter 7 - Control and coordination

  NCERT solution >  Class 10 >  Science   NCERT solution for class 10th //  Science  // Chapter 7  -  Control and coordination                     Page number - 119 Q1. What is the difference between a reflex action and walking ?  Answer-    The difference between a reflex action and walking are as follows . Reflex action . It is an spontaneous and involuntary response to a stimulus . It is regulated by spinal cord . Its intensity cannot be changed   It Increases the survival and protective values of an organism  Walking  It is acquired through learning and it is a voluntary response  It is  coordinated by the brain  Its intensity can be changed  It is connected with the  locomotion Q2. What happens at the synapse between two Neurons?  Answer- S ynapse is a connection between the  two neurons it is a small ga...