NCERT solution for class 7 > Science > Chapter 7 - Weather climate and adaptations of animals to climate
NCERT solution > Class 7 > Science Chapter 7 - Weather climate and adaptation of animals to climate Exercise Q1. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place ? Answer - Temperature , Humidity ,Rainfall and Wind speed are the element which represent the weather of the place Q 2. When the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day ? Answer - M inimum temperature occurs at early in the morning time while maximum temperature occurs at the afternoon time Q3. Fill in the blanks i) The average weather taken over a long time is called Climate. ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the air the climate of that place will be hot and dry iii) The two regions of the Earth which extreme climatic conditions are P olar region and T ropical region Q4. Indicate the type of climate of the following areas a) Jammu and Kashmir- Moderately hot and w...