
Showing posts with the label NCERT solution for class 8 // Science // Chapter 2 -- Microorganisms- friend or foe

NCERT solution for class 8 // Science // Chapter 2 -- Microorganisms- friend or foe

 NCERT solutions > class 8  > science  NCERT solution for class 8  // Science // Chapter 2  -- Microorganisms- friend or foe Chapter 2  -- Microorganisms- friend or foe Q1. Fill  in the blanks.  1. Microorganisms can be seen with help of a microscope. 2. Blue green algae fix nitrogen directly from air and enhance fertility of soil. 3. Alcohol is produced with the help of yeast. 4. Cholera is caused by bacteria  Q2. Tick the correct answer. a) Yeast is used in production of  i) Sugar ii) Alcohol.   iii) Hydrochloric acid. iv)  Oxygen b ) The following is an antibiotic. i ) Sodium bicarbonate. ii ) Streptomycin. iii) Alcohol   iv ) Yeast  c) Carrier of malaria causing protozoan is i) Female anopheles mosquito. ii) Cockroach iii) Housefly.    iv) Butterfly. d) The most common carrier of communicable disease is. i) Ant    ii) House fly    iii ) Dragonfly   iv) Spid...