NCERT solutions for Class 6th // Science // Chapter 5 - Separation of substances.

 NCERT solution  >  Class 6th > Science >  Chapter 5 - Separation of substances 

NCERT solutions for Class  6th  // Science // Chapter 5 -  Separation of substances. 

 Chapter 5 -  Separation of substances. 


Q1. Why do we need to separate different components of a mixture give two examples .


The process by which one or more components of a mixture are removed is called the separation of the substance 

The separation of the substance from a mixture is important in following ways .

  • To obtain a pure substance from a mixture  example - pure  silver,  gold  
  • To obtain useful substance from a mixture example Salt from seawater  

Q2. What is winnowing where is it used ?  


Winnowing is the process of separation of heavier components from the lighter components of a mixture by wind .It is generally used by farmers to separate the lighter impurities  like husk particle from their heavier grains

Q3. How will you separate husk or dirt particles from the given sample of pulses before cooking 


Dust and husk particle both are lightweight if if we put pulses in water then pulses settle down by sedimentation and dirt particle and the husk floating on the water and it easily separated by the process of decantation

Q4. What is sieving where is it used  


Sieving method is used to separate the fine particles from the bigger particles by allowing the fine particles to pass through the holes of sieve. Bigger particles leave on the upper side of sieve  while the smaller particles are fall down from it in this way small tones stock husk sand are separated from the grains by this method

Q5 . How will you separate sand and water from them their mixture 


Sand is not soluble in water so the mixture of sand and water can be separated by following two methods 

Method 1.

Sand and water can be separated by the process of sedimentation and decantation from their mixture because send is heavier than water so it settle down easily  and water is decanted from that container . .

Method 2 

Sand and water mixture can be separated by the process of filtration using the piece of cloth or a filter paper

Q6. Is it possible to separate sugar mixed with wheat flour if yes how will you do it  ? 


Yes it is possible to separate the mixture of sugar and wheat flour . This can be separated with the help of see you sieving process . Wheat flour is small in size so the particles would pass through the sieve and sugar particles would be retained by the sieve.

Q7. How would you obtain clear water from the sample of muddy water 


Clear water is obtained from the sample of muddy water by the process of filtration in this process the muddy water poured through a cloth or a filter paper . Water will pass through filtering medium while mud  is leaving behind 

Q8 . Fill up the blanks 

a) The method of separating seed from paddy from its stalks is called threshing 

b) When milk cold after boiling is word on to a piece of cloth that cream ( malai ) is left behind on it this process of separating cream from the milk is an example of filtration

c) Salt is obtained from seawater by the process of evaporation 

d) Impurities settled at the bottom when muddy water was kept overnight in a bucket the clear water was then poured off from the top the process of separation used in this example is called decantation 

Q9 . True or false 

a)  Amixture of milk and water can be separated by filtration

b) A mixture of powdered salt and sugar can be separated by the process of winnowing 

c) Separation of sugar from tea can be done with filtration 

d) Grain and husk can be separated with the help of the condition 


a) false 

b) false  

c)  false 

d) false 

Q10. Lemonade is prepared by mixing of lemon juice and sugar in water you wish to add ice to cool it should you add eyes to the lemonade before or after dissolving sugar in which case would it be possible to dissolve more sugar 


We should add ice after dissolving sugar because when the temperature is higher than was sugar can be dissolved but after mixing ice it become cool and less sugar be dissolved in it .


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