NCERT solution for class 9|| Science || Chapter 15- Improvement in food resources

 NCERT solution > Class 9 >Science 

NCERT solution for class 9|| Science || Chapter 15- Improvement in food resources

Chapter 15 -Improvement in food resources 

Page number 204 

Q1. What do we get from cereals pulses fruits and vegetables? 

Answer - 

  • We get carbohydrate from serious it gives us energy
  • We get protein from pulses and it build our body 
  • We get vitamins and minerals from vegetables and it provide protection to our body from the seas 

Page number 205 

Q2. How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? 

Answer- Biotic factors like rodent pest and insect loss the grains during storage and production 

Abiotic factors like temperature humidity moisture it creates, germination ability, discoloration ,weight loss ,degradation in quality etc.

Q3. What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvement 

Answer- The desirable agronomic characteristics are

  • The tallness of the plant increasing branching and it is desirable for the food crops 
  • Dwarfness of desired cereals  requires less quantity of nutrients and develop more in number in small space.  

Page number 206 

Q4. What are macronutrients and why are they called macronutrients? 

Answer- Macronutrients are essential nutrient for the growth of the plant and it require more in quantity for the growth of the plant eg . N,P,S present in proteins, Mg is important for chlorophyll .

Q5. How do plants get nutrients? 

Answer- There are 16 nutrients are essential for the growth of the plants out of them carbon and oxygen are supplied by water and remaining 13 nutrients are supplied by soil and plant get these nutrients from air water and soil .

Page number 207 

Q6. Compare the use of manure and fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility? 


Manure - 

  • Manure increases the enrichment of soil with nutrients 
  • It will provide the organic matter to the soil in the form of humus which increase the water holding capacity of soil 
  • It help to reduce the soil erosion 
  • It provide the food for the microorganism present in soil which are soil friendly bacteria 


  • Fertilizers are the chemicals which increases the soil nutrients  but for short time it is in powdery  form 
  • Due to excess use of fertilizers the organic matter decreases inside the soil .
  • The nature of the soil is changes into acidic or basic 
  • It harmful for the soil organisms it may kill them 

Page number 208 

Q 7. Which of the following conditions will give the most benefits why ? 

a) farmers use high quality seeds do not adopt irrigation or use fertilizers 

b) farmers use ordinary seeds adopt irrigation and use fertilizer .

c) farmers use quality seeds adopt irrigation use fertilizer and use crop protection measures ? 

Answer- c) Farmers use quality seeds adopt irrigation use fertilizer and use crop protection measures. This method gives most benefit because only quality of seeds is not required after germination into quite sufficient irrigation enriched with fertilizer protected from biotic factors etc

Pages number 209 

Q8. Why should preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for protecting crops ? 

Answer- Because biological control methods are very simple to use economically free or low cost and create minimise pollution without affecting the soil quality

Q9. Factors may be responsible for losses of grains during storage? 

Answer- Both biotic and abiotic factors are responsible for the uses of cream during storage 

  • Abiotic factors like moisture ,humidity and temperature present in food grains 
  • Biotic factors like insect, rodents ,bird ,bacteria and fungi 

Page number 210

Q10. Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breed and why? 

Answer- Cross breeding method is commonly used to improving cattle breed in this method the indigenous variety of cattle is are crossed with the exotic breed and get the high yielding breed.

Page number 211 

Q11. Discuss the implications of the following statement 

It is interesting to note that poultry is India's most efficient converter of law fibre food stuff (which is unfit for human consumption) into highly nutrition animal protein food.

Answer- Very basic aim of the poultry for me is increases the domestic fowl for egg production and chicken for meat it is a agriculture efficient converter and by product particularly cheaper fibrous waste into high quality meat and also help for the providing eggs ,nutrients reach manure 

Q12. What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming  ?

Answer- The common management practices in dairy and poultry farming are 

  • Shelter - both dairy animals and poultry birds require proper shelter 
  • Feeding- to get the good yield the proper and nutritious food required to them 
  • Caring for animal health- animal and birds both protected from disease caused by virus bacteria fungi

Q13. What are the differences between broiler and layers and in their management ? 

Answer- Broiler 

  • The poultry birds groomed for obtaining meat is called broiler 
  • Broiler needs nutritive and rich in protein and fat food 


  • The egg laying poultry bird is called layer 
  • It requires enough space and proper light and lighting 
  • It required food rich in vitamins and minerals .

Page number 213 

Q14. How are fish obtained ?

Answer- Fish are obtained from water both fresh water as well as marine water and it can be obtained by fish farming it is also called fishery

Q15. What are the advantages of composite fish culture ? 

Answer - The advantages of composite fish culture are 

  • It is a combination of 5 or 6 species of fish used to be grow in a single fish pond 
  • It is possible because plenty of water is available during crop season  
  • By this method both local and improved fish disease can be cultivated 
  • Fish can be grown in the crop field special paddy 
  • It increases the fish killed from pond

Q16. What are the desirable characteristics of bee varieties suitable for honey production ? 

Answer- The ability of honey bee to collect the the large amount of money 

  • They should be stay in a given beehive for a long period 
  • The ability of Queen to produce healthy eggs 
  • The variety of bees should be disease resistance

Q17. What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production ? 

Answer- Pasturage means the flowers available to The bees for the collecting nectar and pollen collection it affect the quality and quantity of honey because different flora produce nectar and pollen of different types 

Eg - Almond honey of Kashmir 


Q1. Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield ? 

Answer- Cross breeding of a two genetically different plant species provide the high yield variety

Q2. Why are manure and fertilizers used in fields  ? 

Answer- Manure and fertilizers are used in the soil to increase its fertility to obtain the high crop yield 

Q3. What are the advantages of intercropping and crop rotation ? .

Answer- The advantages of intercropping 

When two or more than two crops are grown in the same field in a definite rows and getting low damage chance of crops and both crops required different nutrients so the productivity is increases 

Advantages of crop rotation 

  • It increases the fertility of soil 
  • Minimum quantity of fertilizers are needed 
  • Yield or production increases .
  • It help in controlling pest and weeds affecting crops

Q4. What is genetic manipulation how is it useful in agricultural practices? 

Answer- Genetic manipulation is nothing but the hybridisation of desired characters recombination of DNA and growth by polyploidy 

It helpful for the growing crops of desirable characters in obtaining high yield

Q5. How do storage grain losses occur ? 

Answer- Storage grain losses occur due to biotic and abiotic factors  

Biotic factors - insect rodent fungi bacteria degraded the quality and quantity of grains 

Abiotic factors -temperature moisture can loss the grain and their decolorization and loss in weight

Q6. How do good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers? 

Answer- A good husband ATI practice benefits  to farmer by following way 

  • It minimise the cost 
  • Increases productivity 
  • Develops good reproduction capacity

Q7. How what are the benefits of cattle farming 

Answer-  Cattle farming is beneficial by following way 

  • Milk production is increased by high yielding animals 
  • There males are used for carrying goods and in agriculture work 

Q8. For increasing production what is common in poultry fisheries and beekeeping? 

Answer- Management technique is the common factor for increasing the production of poultry fishery in bee keeping . Action of improved varieties is equally important in these three cases

Q9. How do you differentiate between capture fishing mariculture and aquaculture?

Answer- Capture fisheries 

 Catching fishes From natural resources is called capture fishery example from river or sea  

Mari culture 

Production of fishes in ponds lake etc like freshwater resources is called inland Mari culture 


Production of fish and other sea foods in any resources like a Lagoon or fish tank is called aquaculture


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