NCERT solution for class 10 //Science // Chapter 14 -- Sources of energy

     NCERT solution  > Science > Class 10th   

NCERT solution for class 10 //Science // Chapter 14  -- Sources of energy 

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Q1. What is a good source of energy ?


There are so many good sources of energy and their shows the following characteristics 

  • It should be easily accessible
  • It should be large amount of work per unit volume 
  • It should be easy to store ,transport and production 
  • It should be economically cheap source

Q2. What is a good fuel ?

Answer -  A good fuel is burn completely without producing smoke or Ash and it produces a large amount of heat by burning a small quantity of it .It shows the all characteristics of good sources of energy

Q3. If you could use any source of energy for heating your food which one would you use and why 

Answer.  - We would use oven or heater instead of Stove or chulha because it heats the food faster and also preventing the nutritional value of food

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Q4 . What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels ? 

Answer  - Fossils fuels shows some disadvantages these are as follow 

  • Burning of fossil fuels causes lot quantity of air pollution 
  • Burning of fossil fuel release the acidic oxide in atmosphere and which leads to acid rain 
  • Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide  is also released on burning of fossil fuel 
  • Fossil fuels are not burn completely .They leaves ashes after burning

Q5. Why are we looking at alternate sources of energy? 

Answer - We are looking at alternative sources of energy because the fossil fuel is limited source in it cannot be replenished back . The rate of uses is more than formation so we have to use alternative source of energy 

Q6. How has the traditional use of wind and water energy been modified for a convenience 

Answer  - Windmills are used to produce the wind energy into electrical energy and the hydro power plants associated with them to produce electricity in this way the traditional energy e use of wind and water and modified it into electricity

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Q6. What kind of mirror concave , convex or plane mirror would be best suited for use in solar cooker why ? 

Answer  -  Concave lens is best to use in solar cooker because it is converging mirror and it converts the large amount of heat of the sun into solar cooker 

Q7 . What are the limitations of the energy that can be obtained from the oceans ?

Answer  - The limitations of ocean energy are 

  • Tidal energy is limited source and it  forms for a very short period of time
  • Wave energy is obtained only where The wave are very strong 
  • Collection of the thermal energy is difficult and it is also difficult to use

Q8 . What is geothermal energy ?

Answer  - Geothermal energy is obtained from the hot spot in the earth crust when underground water come in contact with that hotspot it gets converted into steam and that's steam rooted through pipes and used to move the turbine to generate electricity

Q9 . What are the advantages of nuclear energy ?

Answer -  Nuclear energy is most powerful energy because it create a tremendous amount of energy released during the nuclear reaction which is more larger as compared to  same amount of any other fuel 

Q10 . Can any source of energy be pollution free why or why not?

Answer  - No sources of energy cannot be pollution free when the sources of energy is used is causes environmental pollution

Q 11. Hydrogen has been used as a rocket fuel would you consider it a cleaner fuel than CNG why or why not ?

Answer  - Yes hydrogen is used in a rocket fuel is a cleaner fuel because when it burn It form water while when CNG is  burn. It produce carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide causes greenhouse effect

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Q12 . Name two energy sources that you would consider to be renewable give reason for your choices ? 

Answer  -  Hydro electricity for its production water is used and it is replenished by water cycle 

 In Wind energy blowing wind is used to generate electricity and it is unlimited source. Wind is causes due to uneven heating of earth by sun

Q13. Give the names of two energy sources that you would consider to be exhaustible give reason for your choices ?

Answer  - Fossil fuel like a coal and petroleum are exhaustible because they are limited source  on the earth and the rate at which they are used up today will lead to their depletion soon


Q1. Solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on 

a) A sunny day 

b) A cloudy day  

c) A hot day  

d) A windy day 

Answer. - A cloudy day

Q2. Which of the following is not an example of a bio mass energy source? 

a) Wood  

b) Gobar gas  

c) Nuclear energy   

d) Coal 

Answer - Nuclear energy

Q3. Most of the sources of energy we use represents stored solar energy which of the following is not intimately derived from of sun's energy  

a) Geothermal energy  

b) Wind energy  

c) Nuclear energy 

d)  Biomass 

Answer - Nuclear energy

Q4. Compare and contrast fossil fuels and the sun as direct source of energy ?


Fossil fuels 

  • These are not renewable source of energy 
  • These are exhaustible sources 
  • These causes environmental pollution  
  • These are expensive sources 
  • These have to be extracted for use 


  • It is a renewable source of energy 
  • It is non exhaustible source 
  • It is not create a pollution 
  • It is cheap source of energy 
  • It is easily available to everywhere 

Q5. Compare and contrast biomass and hydroelectricity as sources of energy .



  • The fuel after burning phone a residue which is used as a manure 
  • It is less expensive 
  • It helps in disposal of organic waste 


  • No residue is left 
  • It is expensive and require lot of money to construction of dams 
  • It does not produce or dispose any organic waste

Q6 . What are the limitations of extracting energy from 

a) The wind    b) Waves.     c)  Tides  

Answer -   

Limitations of wind energy 

  • It can be produced only those places where wind blows for most of the time of the year 
  • Minimum wind speed necessary for generating electricity 
  • It require large area for generation of electricity
  • The setting of wind energy farm is very expensive
  • It is expensive for maintenance 

Limitations of wave energy

  • Wave energy generated a very small area of ocean
  • Constant formation of waves necessary for it  
  • It is also expensive method and require regular maintenance  

Limitations of tidal energy 

  • It is a limited source of energy
  • Only found near the coastal region
  • It is expensive to construct dams across the narrow opening to the sea

Q7. On what basis would you classify energy sources as 

a) Renewable and Nonrenewable 

b) Exhaustible and Inexhaustible 


a) The sources of energy which can be replenished in short time are called renewable sources and the source of energy which take a long time to produced are called non renewable resources 

b) The sources of energy which are limited and get exhausted these are exhaustible source while the sources of energy which are unlimited and will never get exhausted they are called in exhaustible sources , so exhaustible sources we also called non renewable sources while the inexhaustible sources we called renewable sources

Q8 . What are the qualities of an ideal source of energy ?

Answer  - An ideal fuel shows the following qualities  

  • Small quantity of fuel produce large amount of heat energy 
  • It is easily available and easy to store and transport 
  • It should be reusable 
  • It should be pollution free 
  • It should be renewable sources 
  • Economically it is cheap

Q9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a solar cooker are there places where solar cooker would have limited utility ?

Answer - Advantages of solar cooker 

  •  Solar Cooker saves fuel  
  • It is not cause any type of air pollution 
  • The food is cooked slowly in the solar cooker so the nutrients to not get destroyed 
  • It can cook near about 4  food items at a time 

Disadvantages of solar cooker 

  • It cannot be used to cook food on cloudy days and during night 
  • Only limited food items can be cook on it 
  • The direction of the solar cooker has been changed from time to time it to keep facing the Sun

Q10. What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy what steps would you suggest to reduce energy consumption ?

Answer - Continuously increasing demand for energy affected adversely on environment in following ways

  • Extraction of of natural resources it disturb the many natural cycles and causes air pollution
  • After the use of energy their residue form the all type of the pollutions 
  • Cutting of trees for energy result in soil erosion and floods 
  • Uses of fossil fuel causes greenhouse effect

To reduce the energy consumption we should use following steps 

  • We should use pollution free fuel like biogas and CNG 
  • Increases the use of public transportation 
  • Uses biodegradable substance over plastics 
  • We should follow the 3r principle like reduce reuse and recycle 
  • We should use the proper early disposing method of garbage 


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