NCERT solution for class 9th // Science //Chapter 7- Diversity in living organism
NCERT solution > Class 9th > Science
NCERT solution for class 9th // Science //Chapter 7- Diversity in living organism
Page number 80
Q1. Why do we classify organisms?
Answer -
We classify organisms for convenient study of variety of lives
Q2. Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in life forms around you ?
Answer -
The range of variations are
- Living organism are found in very small size like microscopic bacteria and in huge size like a tall trees
- Lifespan of different organism is also different May fly life plan one day a while parrot lives for about 140 years
- The members of one group have different colour shape and size example snake and lizard both belong to reptelia
Page number 82
Q3. Which do you think is a more basic characteristic for classifying organisms ?
a) The place where they live
b) The kind of cells they are made of why ?
Answer -
The place where they live are not a basis of classification because some living organism in the same habitat may or may not have similarities
Q4. What is the primary characteristics on which the first division of organism is made ?
Answer -
The primary characteristics of first division of organism is whether the organism is made up of eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells
Q5. On what basis are plants and animals put into different categories?
Answer -
Plants and animals are put into different categories on the basis of their mode of nutrition
Page number 83
Q6. Which organisms are called primitive and how are they different from the so-called advanced organisms ?
Answer -
The organism which simple cellular structure and there is no division of labour is called primitive organism while in advanced organism like mammals have a millions of the cells they are multicellular and different function performed by different organ of body means differentiation is more clear
Q7. The advanced organisms be the same as complex organisms why ?
Answer -
Yes the advanced organisms be the same as complex organisms because complex organism develop their body structure according to changing environment and advanced organism also have similar type of changes in their body
Page number 85
Q8. What is the criteria for classification of organisms as belonging to Kingdom Monera or protista ?
Answer -
Criteria for classification of organisms belonging to Kingdom Monera and protista are .
From Kingdom Monera
In this Kingdom all organisms are unicellular and prokaryotic
From Kingdom protista
The organisms in protista are unicellular and eukaryotic means their cell organelles are covered with membrane
Q9. In which Kingdom will you place an organism which is single celled eukaryotic and photosynthetic ?
In protista Kingdom
Q10. In the origin of classification which grouping will have the smallest number of organisms with a maximum of characteristics in common and which will have the largest number of organisms ?
Answer -
Species have a smallest number of organisms having maximum similarities while Kingdom has a maximum number of organisms
Page number 88.
Q11. Which division among plants has the simplest organisms ?
Answer -
Q12. How are pteridophytes different from phanerogams
Answer -
- In pteridophytic plants they have open embryo
- State the fights have hidden reproductive organs so they are also called cryptogams meaning hidden reproductive organs
- In these types of plants seeds are enclosed within the fruits
- Reproductive organs are are distinct and divided into the protective tissue that develops fruit seeds after reproduction
Q13. How do gymnosperm and angiosperm differ from each other ?
Answer -
- In gymnosperm the reproductive organ are conical shaped having different cone are found male cone and female cone
- Seeds are naked
- In angiosperm flower is a Reproductive organ which bear male and female reproductive part
- Seeds are enclosed within fruits
Page number 94.
Q14. How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals ?
- The members of porifera have very small pores on all over the body is called ostia and there is a large opening at the top
- They have exoskeleton
- They have canal system for circulation of water
- Tentacles are not present
- Their body is not clearly differentiated
- Their body has a single pore or only one opening
- External skeleton is absent
- Their body is relatively more differentiated
- Tentacles are present
Q 15. How do annelid animals differ from arthropods
Answer -
- The body is segmented into head thorax and abdomen
- They have exoskeleton
- These are unisexual animals
- They have true coelomic cavity filled with water
- Their body is segmented into rings
- ExoSkeleton is absent
- They may be unisexual or bisexual
- They have celonic cavity and cavity filled with blood
Q16. What are the difference between amphibians and reptiles
Answer -
- They are live in both water as well as on land
- Their skin is moist and soft
- Their eggs don't have any hard covering around them
- Water is necessary for their reproduction
- They are live in both water as well as on land
- Their skin with scales on it
- Their egg have hard covering around them
- Water is not necessary for reproduction
17. What are the difference between animals belonging to aves group and those in mammalian group
Answer -
- Aves have a beak
- They have feathery exoskeleton and bony endoskeleton
- Anterior limbs are modified into wings
- They lay eggs means they are oviparous
- They do not have mammary gland to produce milk for their young ones
- Mammalia have mouth part instead of beak
- There exoskeleton is hairy while endoskeleton is boney
- They give birth to their young ones means they are viviparous
- They have memory glands to give nourishment to their young ones
Q1. What are the advantage of classifying organisms ?
- The advantages of classifying organisms are as follows
- This make the study of different kind of organism easily
- Classification is important to learning about the different animals and plants and their similarities and dissimilarities
- It tells about the interrelationship between the organisms
- It also provide the systematic way to identify the known and unknown organisms
Q2. How would you choose between two characteristics to be used for developing a hierarchy in classification
- We choose the characteristic which depends on the first characteristics and determine the next variety
- Example - Presence of vertebral column in human being can place in vertebrata.
- Presence of mammary glands keep that animals under mammalia
Q3. Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms ?
Answer -
The basis of grouping for organism into five kingdom is
- Whether the organism is prokaryotic or eukaryotic
- The organism is unicellular or multicellular
- Whether the sale has cell wall or without cell wall
- Whether the organism is autotrophic or heterotrophic
Q4. What are the major divisions in the plantae what is the basis for these divisions ?
Answer -
The major divisions of kingdom plantae
- Their basis of divisions are
- Whether the plants have well defined organelles or not
- Whether the plants have distinct differentiated tissue for carry food and water present or not
- The plant has seeds or without seeds
- Their seeds is nacked or enclosed within the fruits
Q5. How are the criteria for deciding division in plants different from the criteria for deciding the subgroups among animals ?
Answer -
- The criteria for the division of plants
- Presence of distinct organs
- Presence of conducting tissue or vascular tissues
- The plant bear the seed or not
- The seed is naked or within fruits
The animals cannot be divided into this type of criteria the animals are divided on the basis of their body structure like presence or absence of notochord , coelom, position of nerve cord ,gills ,slits, body segmentation ,habitat ,oviparity or viviparity etc.
Q6. Explain how animals in vertebrata are classified into further subgroups?
- Vertebrates can be further classified into subgroups on the basis of simple to complex body structure and their functions .
- Example - Exoskeleton from scales in fishes. To hairs in mammals
- Endoskeleton from cartilage to bones
- Respiratory organ from gills in fishes to lungs in mammals
- Heart from two chamber in fishes to 4 chamber in mammals
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