NCERT solution for class 8 // Science // Chapter 7 -Conservation of plants and animals
NCERT solution > Class 8 > Science
NCERT solution for class 8 // Science // Chapter 7 -Conservation of plants and animals
Chapter 7 -Conservation of plants and animals
Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called sanctuary
b) Species found only in a particular area is known as endemic
c) Migratory birds fly to far away places because of climatic changes
Q2. Differentiate between the following
a) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve
b) Zoo and wildlife sanctuary
c) Endangered and Extinct species
d) Flora and Fauna
Answer -
1. Wildlife
sanctuary |
.Biosphere reserve |
sanctuary is a reserve forest area provide protection and suitable living conditions
to wild animal |
In biosphere reserve area the
conservation of biodiversity like variety of plants animals and
microorganisms are maintain |
Wildlife sanctuaries are are
give protection to threatens wild animals like black bug elephant golden cat
etc |
In biosphere reserve area
include other protected areas like National park wildlife sanctuaries are
included |
is a place found in biosphere reserve |
It also contain wildlife
santuries - |
Ex : Pachmarhi wildlife
sanctuary . |
Ex : Pachmarhi biosphere
2 Zoo |
zoo we protect animals to fix their boundries |
wildlife sanctuary wild animals are protected and preserved
at artificial surrounding are made for animals |
live in their natural habitat or environment
zoo area animals are supplied prepared food |
get their food from forest themselves |
3. Endangered
Extinct species
These are species of plants and
animals that are under a risk of extinction .
The species of plant and animal
which are not found on the earth surface nowadays these are called extinct
This type of species are found
very small number all over the world
They were only recorded in
biological book as well as their fossils are available for study
Eg. Blue whale Indian rhino
like animals and in plants wild rice , gabal elba dragon tree
Eg. Dodo, dinosaur , etc.
4. Flora
The variety of the plants found
in the particular area is called flora
The variety of the animal found
in a particular area is called Funa
Different different areas has
different type of the flora
Different area has different
type of Funa
Eg. Mango sal sheesham etc .
are some of flora
Eg. African elephant , blue
bell ,deer cheetah etc.
Q3. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the following
a) Wild animals
b) Environment
c) Villages (rural area)
d) Cities ( urban areas )
e) Earth
d) The next generation
Answer - Deforestation is the cutting of trees or vegetation from the area for the industrial agriculture and some other purposes
a) Effect of deforestation on wild animal
Forest area is the habitat for many animals and if it destroyed then it directly affect the population of the animal
b) Effect of deforestation on the environment
Trees maintain the carbon dioxide and oxygen content in the atmosphere .Trees are perform photosynthesis that's why they provide food for other living organism and it increases the inner ground water level because it leads to water cycle and also it avoid the soil erosion . All these things are affected due to deforestation
c) Effect of deforestation on villages
In villages most of the people are depend on agriculture and forest are hold the soil particles together and it decreases the rate of soil erosion and also increases the humus in soil if deforestation occurs the soil become unfertile and it is economically affected the people of village
d) Effect of deforestation on cities
Deforestation increases the global warming and also increases the pollution most of the cities are situated at the river bank for industrial purpose and due to deforestation the natural calamities like flood and drought also increases
e) Effect of deforestation on the earth
Deforestation increases global warming it increases pollution in air and all these things are directly affected on the earth It may cause the natural calamities like drought ,flood and it disturb the natural cycle like a water cycle and mineral cycle
f) Effects of deforestation on the next generation
Deforestation changes the net environmental condition and it responsible for the global warming soil erosion greenhouse effect that and any many other problems as a result of that the next generation will have to face the severe consequences of deforestation
Q4. What will happen if
a) We go on cutting trees
b) The habitat of an animal is distributed
c) The top layer of soil is exposed
Answer - . a) If we go on cutting trees it imbalance the environment because it destroyed the natural habitat of many animals so it affect the biodiversity of plants and animals it also increases the global warming disturb the natural water cycle and increases the pollution as well as causes the natural calamity
b) The habitat of animals are disturbed because most of the wild animals are depend on forest for their shelter for food and protection and this habitat disturb is directly affect their population and maybe some animals and plant become extinct
c) The roots of the plant have a capacity to hold the soil particle but due to deforestation or cutting of trees the upper layer of the soil reduced and the soil become less fertile it is called soil erosion
Q5. Answer in brief
a) Why should we conserve biodiversity ?
Answer- Biodiversity is a variety of plants animals and microorganism in an area all these are depend on each other for their survival and any two of them if destructed then it affect the life of other one therefore we need to conserve the biodiversity to maintain the balance of nature
b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals why?
Answer- Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animal because the people live near to the forest area depend on the forest product for their daily life and in this process they killed the wild animal to earn the money
c) Some tribals depend on the Jungle How?
Answer - Tribes are the people generally live in forest area and they depend on the forest for food fodder cloth and fuel hence the depend on the forest for their daily requirement
d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
Answer- Deforestation occurs for the the urban areas development industrialization and fulfill their increasing requirement grazing of animals and cut down the trees for firewood
e) What is red data Book ?
Answer - Red data Book is the source in which an international list of all endangered animal and plant species this book is maintained by international union for conservation of nature and natural resources
f) What do you understand by the term migration
Answer - Migration is the movement of the group of organism or organism from their natural habitat to another habitat in a particular time of year these organism migrate for the purpose of breeding climatic conditions etc
Q6. In order to meet the ever increasing demand of in factories and for shelter trees are being continuously cut is it justified to cut trees for such projects discuss and prepare a brief report
Answer - Yes to meet the ever increasing demand in factories and for shelter trees are being continuously cut. If one tree is cut at least five trees should be grown but if the trees are cut continuously and no trees are planted then the earth may face the some problems like a global warming ,less rainfall and climatic condition changed soil erosion ,deforestation . Therefore cutting of trees for any reason at all is not justified
Q7. How can you contribute to the maintenance of green wealth of your locality make a list of actions to be taken by you?
Answer - I contribute to maintenance of green wealth in my locality in following way
- Plant more and more trees around my locality
- Not allowed to anybody to cut any trees.
- Trimming of plants from time to time for their better growth .
- Irrigate the plant properly in taking care of them
Q8. Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall
Answer - Trees increases the rainfall but if deforestation is done then it leads to increase the carbon dioxide level in atmosphere and as a result of that the global warming increases and temperature of earth also increases and it will disturb the water cycle and reduced rainfall and finally it causing drought in a region
Q9 . Find out about national parks in your state identify and show their location on the outline map of India
Answer- Answer is different according to different region so do yourself
Q10 . Why should paper be saved prepare a list of ways by which you can save paper ?
Answer- For the manufacturing of paper trees are used as a raw material and by cutting of trees reforestation is caused in which disturb all the balance of nature so if we save the paper and recycled it then many plants can be saved paper can be recycled 5 to 7 times so we can save many trees in a year
Q11. Complete the word puzzle
1. Species on the verge of extinction
2. A book carrying information about endangered species .
5. Consequences of deforestation
1. Species which have vanished
3. Species found only in a particular habitat.
4. Variety of plants animals and microorganisms found in an area
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