NCERT solution for class 8 th // Science // lesson 1 . Crop production and management

 NCERT solutions > Class 8th > chapter 1 . Crop production and management .

NCERT solution  for class 8 th // Science //  lesson 1 . Crop production and management

Q1. Select the correct word from the following list and fill in the blanks.

Float ,water, crop ,nutrients, preparation.

a) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called crop.

b) The first step before growing crops is preparation of the soil.

c) Damaged seeds would float on the top of water.

d) For growing a crop sufficient sunlight and water and nutrients from the soil are essential

Q2. Match items in column a with those in column b 

Column A.                                           Column B 

1. Kharif crops    -          food for cattle 

2. Rabi crops      -   urea and superphosphate 

3. Chemical fertilizers-     Animal excreta, cow dung                                                                                                              ,urine and plant  waste                                                              4. 4.Organic manure.     -       wheat ,gram ,pea 

                                    -         Paddy and maize.


Column A.                                      Column B 

1. Kharif crops               -        Paddy and Maize

2. Rabi crops               -         Wheat , Gram , Pea

3. Chemical fertilizers.    -      Urea and superphosphate

4. Organic manure.            -     Animal excreta, cow dung                                                  

                                                ,urine and plant waste                                                                                                        

Q3. Give two example of each

a) kharif crop 

Ans- Cotton and  Groundnut.

b) Rabi crop.

Ans - Wheat and Gram.

Q4 . Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following.

 a) preparation of soil.        b)  sowing

   c) weeding              d) Threshing 

Ans - a) Preparation of soil - 

  • Preparation of soil is a method generally used to turning off soil and loosening it so that the proper aeration and the nutrients  uniformly distributed in the soil  . 
  • Preparation of the soil involves some steps  like plugging ,tilling ,levelling ,manuring this process help to increase the fertility of soil.
  •  It also provide air  for the breathing of the roots and it also increases the microorganism in soil which are helpful for the growth of the plant
b) Sowing 

After preparation of the soil sowing of the seeds takes place in field area It is an important process For the sowing  process good quality clean and healthy seeds variety selected.  After that sowing is done with the help of traditional method or seed drill.

c) Weeding 

Undesirable plants grow with crops is called weeds . Weeds are grow with crops .The removal of weeds is called weeding it is necessary because it compete with crop plants for water, nutrient, space and light that's why it affect on the growth of the crop and and it also affect the yield of the plant. sometime these are poisonous for animals and human beings .Tilling is the very common method to remove the weeds from the crops. Sometimes farmers also used chemical weedicides to remove the weeds.

d) Threshing 

Threshing method is used to separate the grains from the harvested crop .

Threshing is done by manually or by the machine . Nowadays threshing is done by machine called combine harvester it can do both the work harvesting as well as threshing simultaneously

Q5. Explain how fertilizers are different from manure? 

Ans - Fertilizers 

  1. Fertilizers are manufactured in factories using chemicals.
  2. They are rich inorganic nutrient.
  3. The compositions of the nutrients in fertilizers is definite.
  4. Fertilisers instantly increases the growth of the plant..
  5. Fertilizers add in soil after sowing a seed


  1. Manure are naturally prepared in field using plant and animal waste.
  2. They are rich in organic nutrients.
  3. They do not have any definite composition of nutrient.
  4. Manure slowly increases the nutrients in soil and help in growth of plant. 
  5. Manure add in soil before sowing a seed.

Q6. What is irrigation ?Describe two method of irrigation which conserve water?

Ans- The process of watering to the plant at regular interval of time is called irrigation..

The time interval period of irrigation in each plant is different

Two modern techniques  of irrigation are very common and it  conserve the water .

Drip irrigation 

  • It is a very most efficient method for saving water during irrigation .
  • It is very commonly used in there where the scarcity of water it consists of parallel pipes having a small holes in them at regular interval the water comes out in the form of small drops from that hole and which directly supplied to the roots of the plant.
  • This method is mostly used to water the fruit and flowering plant.


  • In this system the vertical pipes are  arranged in field area in this pattern that it connect with main pipeline at regular intervals these pipes have a rotating nozzle at the top the water is supplied to different parts of the field area due to that pipes and it's sprinkled like rain.
Q 7. If wheat is sown in the kharif season what would happen?  Discuss.

Ans. - Each and every crop has a different time period for their growth and wheat is a Rabi crop but, If wheat is sown in the kharif season then due to excess of rain and adverse condition of temperature the crops becomes die and the production of the wheat also minimize 

Q8 . Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field? 

Ans - Soil is a rich source of nutrients like nitrogen Phosphorus and potassium and many more  but these nutrients are essential for the growth of the plants also .If  continuous plantation of the crops in a field area takes place then the nutrients from the soils are minimize and the fertility of the soil is decreases. As a result production of the crops also decreases year by year .

Q9 . What are weeds ?How can we control them ?

Ans- Undesirable plants grow with crop is called weeds. 

We can removed  weed by hand or it can be removed by the process of Tilling.

Sometimes some chemicals like a weedicides are also used to kill the weeds. 2,4 - D is a very common weedicide.

10. Arrange the following boxes in proper order to make a flow chart of sugarcane crop production.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 1-sol-1


NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 1-sol-2

11. Complete the following word puzzle with the help of clues given below.


1. Providing water to the crops.

2. Keeping crop grains for a long time under proper conditions.

5. Certain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale.


3. A machine used for cutting the matured crop.

4. A rabi crop that is also one of the pulses.

6. A process of separating the grain from chaff.





















































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