
Showing posts from June, 2021

NCERT solution for class 8 th // Science // lesson 1 . Crop production and management

  NCERT solutions > Class 8th > chapter 1 . Crop production and management . NCERT solution  for class 8 th // Science //  lesson 1 . Crop production and management Q1. Select the correct word from the following list and fill in the blanks. Float ,water, crop ,nutrients, preparation. a) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called crop. b) The first step before growing crops is preparation of the soil. c) Damaged seeds would float on the top of water. d) For growing a crop sufficient sunlight and water and nutrients from the soil are essential Q2. Match items in column a with those in column b  Column A.                                                 Column B  1. Kharif crops    -             food for cattle  2. Rabi crops  ...

NCERT solutions for class 7th / science / lesson 1. Nutrition in plants

 NCERT solutions > class 7th > lesson 1            Chapter 1. Nutrition in plants. Q1 . Why do organisms take food?  Ans-  All the organism takes food  to get energy for growth and maintenance of their body. Q2. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph ? . Ans- Parasite  Parasites are those plants or animals which depend on the other plants or animals for their nutrition. Parasite need host to survive. eg.  Plant parasite - Cuscuta ( Amarbel)       Animal parasite - Mosquito , malaria parasite. Saprotroph . Saprotrophs are those plant or animals which depend on dead and decaying material for for their nutrition. Saprotrophs need not any host. eg . - Plant saprotroph  - fungi .       Animal saprotroph - bacteria , crow ( also includes in savangers) . Q3. How would you test the presence of starch in leaves ?  Ans - The presence of starch in leaves explain with the help of...

NCERT solutions for class 6th / Science / lesson 1.

 NCERT solutions > class 6th > lesson 1. NCERT solutions for class 6th / Science / lesson 1. Food : Where does it come from  Q1. Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food? Ans- No , all living being not need same kind of food ,because their food habits are different some animals eat only plant or plant product. some animals eats to other animal  and some animal eats both plant as well as  other animals . Due to these plants are divided into three category  Herbivores-  which it only plant product  Coronavirus  - eats the other animals  Omnivorous-  which eat both plant as well as other animal. Q2. Name five plant and their parts that we eat?  Ans - P otato plant -we eat the stem part of it that is potato Tomato plant -we eat the fruit part of that plant tomato Carrot- we eat the the root part of this plant Cauliflower - we eat the flower part of that plant. Wheat- we eat the seeds of that plant....