What is cytoplasm what are its function

 Biology > cell the unit of life > class 11th

What is cytoplasm explain its function

Definition- " The space present between the nuclear membrane and plasma membrane is filled with translucent Jelly like fluid is called as cytoplasm" .

1. It includes all cell organelles except nucleus.

2. It consists of various inorganic molecules such as water, salt of Na and K metals ,carbohydrates, lipids ,proteins ,nucleoprotein ,nucleic acid and a variety of enzymes.

3. Cytoplasm divides into two parts hyaloplasm and trophoplasm .It is also called as cystol.


It is made up of non living material

a) Reserved material- carbohydrate, proteins

b) secretary material - enzymes ,nectaries

c) Excretory material -Tandon resins , essential Oil, gum ,latex, mineral ,crystal etc.


It is a living part cell organelles contain endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body, chloroplast ,mitochondria ,ribosomes , plastids ,microbodies, microtubules cilia and flagella.

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