NCERT solution for class 6 > Science > Chapter 16. -Garbage in Garbage out
NCERT solution > Class 6 > Science
NCERT solution for class 6 > Science > Chapter 16. -Garbage in Garbage out
Chapter 16. Garbage in garbage out
Q1. a) Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the red worms ?
Answer - Non biodegradable garbage like polythene bags, synthetic fibres ,glass, plastic etc are not converted into compost by red worms
b) Have you seen any other organism besides red worms in your pic if yes try to find out their names draw picture of these ?
Answer - Besides than the red worms small insect bug ,spiders , centipede are also seen in compost pit and some microorganism are also present but they are not seen by naked eyes
Q2. Discuss
a) Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government ?
Answer - No garbage disposal is not a responsibility only of the government is the responsibility of every citizen. If We create more garbage then it is harmful for or health and cause many disease. Non biodegradable garbage create a soil pollution and decreases the fertility of soil
b) Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage?
Answer - Yes we can reduce the problem related to disposal of garbage by categorize it into degradable and biodegradable Garbage. Use the recycle material. And dispose the garbage in a trash bin . Biodegradable garbage used for making compost
Q3. a) What do you do with the leftover food at home ?
Answer - We use the leftover food to feed the roaming animals on street
b) If you and your friend are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at the party which one could you prefer and why ?
Answer - I prefer to eat the Banana leaf platter because it is a biodegradable and it's not create any harmful substance after degradation. Why plastic is the non biodegradable and it is also harmful for health
Q5.a) Collect different kinds of a packaging material what was the purpose for which each one of was used discuss in groups ?
Answer - Main many packaging materials are available in the market like a newspaper, magazine pages, plastic thermocol sheets it used according to material which would packed inside it .
Plastic polythene- It is used for packaging of food materials dry fruits dry seeds shoes leather etc
Newspaper - It is used for the packaging of shoes bags clothes food wrapping etc
Thermocol - It is used to packing of glassware and crockery.
b) Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced ?
Answer - By reducing the packaging material we can reduce the garbage created by packaging .
c) Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage ?
Answer - Packaging material is generally useful for the protection of the materials inside it and maybe the transport of the thing but after using the material inside it the packaging material through in the dustbin and it create a lot amount of trash many dost beans are ful with the biscuit packet wrapping chips wrapping etc.
Q6. Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers why ?
Answer - Yes compost is better choice instead of the chemical fertilizers because
- Compost is easy to prepared
- It is increases the soil fertility
- It convert the garbage into to compost so it is environment friendly
- It is cheap in cost
- It is prepared by using of microorganism by the natural process of degradation so it is environment pollution free
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