
Showing posts from October, 2021

NCERT solution for class 6 //Science// Chapter 10 Motion and measurement of distances

  NCERT solution > Class 6 > Science    Chapter 10  - Motion and measurement of distances  Exercise  Q1. Give two examples each of modes of transport used on land water and air?  Answer  1. Land transport  - Bus and truck  2. Water transport - ship and boat   3. Air transport  - Aeroplane and helicopter  Q2. Fill in the blanks .    i)  One  metre is 100 cm       ii) 5 km is 5000 metre      iii) Motion of a child on a swing is periodic motion.    iv) Motion of the needle of a sewing machine is periodic motion    v) Motion of wheel of a bicycle is circular motion  Q3. Why can a pace or a footstep not be used as a standard unit of length ?  Answer - A pace or a footstep not be used as a standard unit of length because it is different as person to person  . Q4. Arrange the following lengths in their increasing magnitude 1 metr...

NCERT solution for class 7 > Science > Chapter 7 - Weather climate and adaptations of animals to climate

  NCERT solution > Class 7 >  Science  Chapter 7 - Weather climate and adaptation of animals to climate  Exercise  Q1. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place ?  Answer - Temperature , Humidity ,Rainfall and Wind speed are the element which represent the weather of the place  Q 2. When the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day ?  Answer - M inimum temperature occurs at early in the morning time while maximum temperature occurs at the afternoon time  Q3. Fill in the blanks  i) The average weather taken over a long time is called Climate.  ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the air the climate of that place will be hot and dry iii) The two regions of the Earth which extreme climatic conditions are P olar region and T ropical region  Q4. Indicate the type of climate of the following areas  a) Jammu and Kashmir- Moderately hot and w...

NCERT solution //Class 7// Science //Chapter 6- Physical and chemical changes

  NCERT solution > Class 7 > Science > Chapter 6 -Physical and chemical changes  NCERT solution //Class 7// Science //Chapter 6- Physical and chemical changes  Exercise  Q1. Classify the changes involved in the following process as a physical or chemical changes  a) Photosynthesis b) Dissolving sugar in water c) Burning of coal  d) Melting of wax  e) Beating aluminium to make Aluminium foil  f)  Digestion of food  Answer  a) Chemical change  b) Physical change  c) Chemical change  d) Physical change   e) Physical change  f )Chemical change  Q2. State whether the following statements are true or false in case of statement is false write the correct it is to told in your notebook ? a) Cutting a log of wood into pieces is a chemical change  Answer -  False  Correct statement - cutting a log of wood into pieces is a physical change  b) Formation of manure from leaves is a p...

Science NCERT solution for class 6 // Science //Chapter 7- Getting to know plants

  NCERT solution  > Class  6  >Science  Science NCERT solution for class 6 // Science  //Chapter 7-  Getting to know plants Q1. Correct the following statement and rewrite them in your notebook?  a) Stem absorb water and minerals from the soil  b) Leaves hold the plant upright  c) Roots conduct water to the leaves.  d) The number of petals and stamens in a flower is always equal  e) If the sepals of a flower are joined together it's petals are also joined together  f) If the petals of a flower and joined together then the pistil are joined to the petal  Answer -  a) Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil  b) Stem hold the plant upright  c) Stem conduct water to the leaves  d) The number of petals and stamens in a flower may not be always equal  e) If the sepals of the flowers are joined together then it petals become separated  f) If the petals of the flowers are joined toge...