
Showing posts from September, 2021

NCERT solution for class 6// Science // Chapter 6 - Changes around us

  NCERT solutions  >  Class 6  > Science  NCERT solution for class 6// Science // Chapter 6 - Changes around us Q1. To walk through a waterlogged area you usually shorten the length of your dress by folding it can this change be reversed ? Answer- Yes this change can be reversed Q2. You accidentally dropped your favourite toy and broke it this is a change you did not want can this change be reversed ? Answer -  No this cannot be reversed change because it is permanent change Q3. Some changes are listed in the following table for each change write the blank column where the change can be reversed or not  Change                                      Can be reversed yes /no    The sawing of a piece of wood   The melting of ice candy ...

NCERT solution for class 10th // Science // Chapter 7 - Control and coordination

  NCERT solution >  Class 10 >  Science   NCERT solution for class 10th //  Science  // Chapter 7  -  Control and coordination                     Page number - 119 Q1. What is the difference between a reflex action and walking ?  Answer-    The difference between a reflex action and walking are as follows . Reflex action . It is an spontaneous and involuntary response to a stimulus . It is regulated by spinal cord . Its intensity cannot be changed   It Increases the survival and protective values of an organism  Walking  It is acquired through learning and it is a voluntary response  It is  coordinated by the brain  Its intensity can be changed  It is connected with the  locomotion Q2. What happens at the synapse between two Neurons?  Answer- S ynapse is a connection between the  two neurons it is a small ga...

NCERT solution for class 10// Science // Chapter 6 - Life processes

 NCERT solution > Class 10 > Science  NCERT solution for class 10//   Science // Chapter 6 -   Life processes Page number 95  Q1. Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirement of multicellular organism like humans  Answer- In multicellular organisms the body is made up of many cells and all the cells are not come indirectly contact with outer atmosphere so to fulfill their  oxygen requirement the diffusion is insufficient . Q2. What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?  Answer-  To decide whether something is alive we use observation of micro molecular movement Q3. What are outside raw materials used for by an organism ? Answer- The outside raw material used by organisms is carbon based and organism used it for their food Q4. What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life ? Answer- The processes like nutrition and respiration transportation excretion all these are essential...