NCERT solution for class 9// Science // Chapter 6 - Tissue
NCERT solution > Class 9 > Science
NCERT solution for class 9// Science // Chapter 6 - Tissue
Page number 69
Q1. What is a tissue ?
Answer - Tissue is a group of cell having similar structure and function
Q2. What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms ?
Answer - Multicellular organism have definite division of labour so different types of tissues are found in the body and they perform different functions
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Q3. Name types of simple tissues ?
Answer- There are three types of the simple tissues are
- Parenchyma
- Collenchyma and
- Sclerenchyma
Q,4. Where is apical meristem found ?
Answer - Apical meristem is found at the tip of the root or shoot of the plant
Q5. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut?
Answer- The husk of the coconut is made up of sclerenchyma tissue
Q6. What are the constituent of phloem ?
Answer - The constituent of phloem are seive tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma
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Q7. Name the tissue responsible for movement in our body ?
Answer - Types of the tissues are responsible for the movement of inner body these are muscular tissues and nervous tissues
Q8. What does a neuron look like ?
Answer - Neuron is look like a thread like structure
Q9. Give three features of cardiac muscles ?
Answer -
- The three features of cardiac muscles are
- Cardiac muscles are only found in wall of heart
- Cardiac muscle shows the rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout the life
- They have one or two centrally located nuclear
Q10. What are the functions of areolar tissue ?
Answer- Alveolar tissue are found between the skin and the muscles around the blood vessels
- It help in supporting internal organs
- It help to repair the tissues and internal muscles and fill the gap between the organs
Q1. Define the term tissue ?
Answer - "Group of cells that are similar in structure and function is called tissue"
Q2. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue name them ?
Answer - Xylem tissue is made up of
- Tracheids
- Vessels
- Xylem fibres and
- Xylem parenchyma
Q3. How many simple tissues different from complex tissues in plant ?
Answer - Simple type of tissue is made up of one type of cells and perform the similar function while complex tissue are made up of more than one type of cells and they perform the similar function
Q4. Differentiate between parenchyma collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall
Answer - Parenchyma
- In parenchyma the cell wall is thin and made up of cellulose
- The cells are loons loosely arrange having lots of intercellular space
- The cell wall of collenchyma is relative thick due to deposit of lignin
- it is made up of pectin and hemicellulose
- The cell wall is thick at the corner due to deposit of excess of pectin
- There is no intracellular space is found between them and it contain the the layer of lignin
Q5. What are the functions of the stomata ?
Answer- Stomata are located on the the epidermal surface of leaves this poor are help to exchange of gases as well as for the process of transpiration
Q6. Diagrammatically show the difference between the three types of muscles fibre
Striated muscles
- Striated muscles are connected to bones
- These are voluntary muscles
- The cells are long and branched with many nuclei
Unstriated muscles or smooth muscles
- Smooth muscles are found in alimentary canal and lungs
- These are involuntary muscles
- They are streamline structure or spindle shaped with single nucleus
Cardiac muscles
- Cardiac muscles only found in heart
- These are involuntary muscles
- They are branch and having one nucleus
Q7. What is the specific function of the cardiac muscles ?
Answer- Cardiac muscles are help in the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of heart wall throughout the life
Q8 . Differentiate between striated unstriated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site location in the body ?
Striated muscles
- Started muscles are long cylindrical unbranched structure with many nuclei
- These are found in hands legs and skeletal muscles
- Light and dark bands are present on striated muscles
Unstriated muscles
- Unstriated muscles are spindle shaped and un branched structure .
- These are found in the walls of stomach intestine ureter and bronchi
- Light and dark band are absent
Cardiac muscles
- Cardiac muscles are non tapering cells cylindrical shape and branched structure
- These are found in only heart
- Bands are found but very small
Q9. Draw a well labelled diagram of Neuron
Q10. Name the following
a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth
b) Tissues that connect muscle to bone in humans
c) Tissue that transport food in plants
d) Tissues that store fat in our body
e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix
f) Tissue present in the brain
a) Epithelial tissue
b) Tendons
c) Phloem
d) Adipose tissue .
e) Blood
f) Nervous tissue
Q11. Identify the type of tissue in the following skin bark of tree bone lining of kidney tubule vascular bundle ?
Skin - Striated squamous epithelium tissue
Bark of tree - Simple permanent tissues
Bone- Connective tissue
Lining of kidney - Cuboidal epithelium tissues
Vascular bundle - Conducting tissue or complex permanent tissue
Q12. Name the regions in which parenchyma tissue is present ?
Answer- The parenchymatous tissue found in plants in cortex and pith of root and stem
Q13. What is the role of epidermis in plants ?
Answer- Epidermis is the outer surface of the entire plant body it is a continuous layer and without intercellular space and it perform the following types of functions
- It is a protective tissue of plant body
- It allows the exchange of gases through the stomata
- It protect the plant against mechanical injury
Q14. How does the cork act as a protective tissue ?
Answer - The cells of the cork as are compactly arranged without intercellular spaces and these are dead cells they have deposited and of submarine on the walls of plant able to help the exchange of gases crop protect the plant for excessive water loss and the adverse effect of environment
Q15. Complete the table
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