What is coronavirus how its stages effect on human body
What is coronavirus ?
covid-19 was started from wuhan city in China .Wuhan has a large coastal area it has a biggest market of seafood and this virus comes in food chain through snake body. It is the infectious disease and spread with saliva.
Government declared that disease as a pandemic at 13 March 2020.
The full name of that disease is Noval covid-19
Noval -New
Co- corona
Vi - virus
D- disease
19- It is a year
The term novel is given to that disease novel/ new means it also existed before some years ago. In 2002 and 2003 same Corona like disease existed on earth that was SARS and the second one was MERS . The death rate of SARS was 9.2 - 9.5% and the death rate of MERS was 34% to 35% , in comparison to them the death rate of covid-19 is only 3 to 4 %.
The first case of covid-19 recognised in China at 8 November 2019. The infected person shows the symptoms of disease at 28- 29 December 2019, and after that it's spread all over the world.
The name of this virus is SARS - cov -2. SARS means-- severe acute respiratory syndrome . This virus attack on respiratory system.
Structure of virus-
Viruses are non living in atmosphere means whenever it exist in atmosphere they are in dead condition but, if it enters in any plant or animal body or cell it alive and start its growth. It is made up of protein and nucleic acid. The outer surface of virus body is covered by a spike so it has a small projection on virus body.
Outer covering of virus is called capsid and it is made up of protein and inner material is nucleic acid in the form of DNA and RNA.
When virus enters in a body .Capsid is dissolved in our body with blood or fat . Protein is not harmful to us but the genetic material that is DNA or RNA enters to a body cell nucleus and it combines to our body cell DNA and RNA by the process of cell division. We know that our body's cells divide rapidly. At 1 minute the cell divides 100 times, that's why virus enter in our body rapidly increases number and show their symptoms in our body. When the virus DNA or RNA combines with the our body cell DNA or RNA ,then it control the function of the cells and then slowly it control the function of the organ and finally the body control by the DNA or RNA of virus, and a body shows the symptoms of disease.
Different stages of virus life cycle
Virus life cycle is undergo into five stages.
Stage 1st-
stage first it called incubation stage it is 10 to 15 days stage in this stage virus infected the cell and organ of body
2nd stage-
It is a identification stage in this stage virus rapidly multiply and our body shows symptoms of disease.
3rd stage-
In this stage virus rapidly increases their number in a body and spread in whole body cells.
Stage 4th and 5th is called recovery stage. In this stage the infected person recover rapidly and the effect of virus minimise .
Effect of Corona virus on our body cells-
- Virus is attached to WBC of blood and minimise its functions.
- This virus affected on WBCS of our bodies and due to attack of virus it loses the immunity power.
symptoms of coronavirus infection-
- Dry coughing and continuously sneezing
- Headache and body ache.
- Difficult to take a breath.
- High fever for long period of time.
Prevention methods to avoid this disease-
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water and sanitized it with 70% alcohol based sanitizer.
- Keep 2 metres distance from every person.
- Cover your face with two or three layered mask whenever you go anywhere.
- Avoid to go in a crowded area.
- If you purchase any material from market sanitize it firstly and keep it outside the home for some hours in Sunlight.
- Included Vitamin C based fruit in your diet like orange, lemon etc.
- Small children and old person avoid to go outside the home.
- Drink warm water regularly.
- Drink 'Kadha' regularly at least one time in a day.
- Whenever you go outside cover your whole body with clothes .
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